Space to breathe

Mekrijärvi offers an inspirational setting for relaxation on the shores of poetry.

Our services

Welcome to the beach of poets and the historic war route.

Welcome to Mekrijärvi, the easternmost part of Finland, North Karelia

Local food

The most beautiful landscape in summer

Meeting and lecture facilities

Welcome to Mekrijärvi Saga Park

Historical settings for meetings, inspiration and relaxation

Come and enjoy the natural pleasure of Mekrijärvi's tranquil landscape. On this shore the famous rune singers of Mekrijärvi have shaped their songs for centuries – here is a place where history meets the present day! It has been said that Ilomantsi is the centre of folk poetry in Finnish Karelia, and that Mekrijärvi is its heart. These tales as later presented in the Kalevala, the national epic of Finland and Karelia, have had profound impact on many artists including the young J.R.R. Tolkien and became an inspiration for the creation of his literary art.

The former research station of the University of Eastern Finland has now been refurbished for tourist use. Tourism operations started in July 2017. Three entrepreneurs from Ilomantsi bought the properties of the Mekrijärvi research station and founded Mekrin Matkailu Oy. Mekrijärvi Saga Park Ab purchased the properties late 2021, and 2022 tourism operations are provided in collaboration with Petkeljärvi Center tmi, service provider in the nearby Petkeljärvi National Park.

The main building – designed by famous Finnish architects Åberg (1st Price Stockmann Department Store Helsinki competition 1924), Sirén (Finnish Parlament House 1927) and Borg (Helsinki Main Post Office 1924) – and constructed in 1924 and the additional buildings constructed in its vicinity offer a unique setting for visitors to Mekrijärvi Saga Park. From the main building, the authentic Ilomantsi lakeland landscape opens up towards Mekrijärvi lake, the marshland behind the lake, and the village of Ryökkylä.

Mekrijärvi Saga Park offers a great setting for seminars, meetings and recreation. The recently renovated dining hall by architects Liimatta & Kosola can accommodate up to 100 guests, and breakfast can be provided in the Koivula cafeteria for up to 50. In addition, there is space in Aho Hall for up to 60 guests. Accommodation is available for up to 90 people across three different buildings: Mäntylä, Leppälä and Haapala. What’s more, there are lakeside saunas that offer a great place to relax after a long day of excursions or meetings. Three different sauna options are available: the large and small wood-fired saunas located by the lake, and the atmospheric smoke sauna.

Just ask for a quote!

Accommodation facilities

Room accommodation, meeting facilities and things to do together

At Mekrijärvi Saga Park you will find 90 beds and a wonderful setting for seminars, meetings and parties.

Beach sauna

Wood-heated beach sauna

Banquet hall

Banquet hall from €500 / 10h
The Banquet hall of the main building

Smoke sauna

The gentle steams of the smoke sauna

of our customers

the experiences

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